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Avery Centrella

Hi, I'm Avery. 


As a brand strategist, I connect the dots between what’s interesting about people, what’s true about the current moment, and how the brand can meet them where they are. Working with brands from vastly different areas of the world fuels my passion for understanding others by curiously exploring cultures with an open mind.


My experience spans strategy on a Fortune 500 chicken brand in the US, South Korea's most valuable cosmetics company,  Italy's most desired destinations, Atlanta's #1 Children's Hospital, and one of the most well-known wireless brands in the US.


One of my favourite briefs I have written involved a US food brand expanding its environmental efforts. After discovering that their audience is environmentally indifferent, making choices based on cost value, I reframed the thinking: What if eliminating food waste was a cost-saving life hack rather than a green effort? In the first quarter, over a thousand home cooks reduced food waste and saved money by finding recipes with the brand’s “Search Recipe by Ingredient” tool, all with the product as the centrepiece of the meal.


My life outside of work shows up in my approach to strategy. Being an avid book club member and storyteller, I make sure my briefs are approachable enough to explain to my grandmother. Being an IG caption ghostwriter, I practice shapeshifting into someone else's shoes. With rollerskating as my preferred exercise, taking time to try, try, try again is nothing new.

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